Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Mushi

With the current debate on encouraging more woman to give birth in Singapore, I cannot help but put in my two cents worth.

I gave birth to Anicius when I was 42. Being the sixth child, I do not get any incentive from the government. No baby bonus, no paid 3 months leaves. Three weeks after I gave birth I went back to school. He was in ICU for 21 days and it cost us close to $15 000. We were in serious debts. My mum wanted me to sell him away to coevr cost and make my life easier.

How much is a baby worth?

Look at him now. He is three years old today.

He brings so much joy and laught into the family that no amount of money, baby bonus can replace. To those who whine and bitch about needing more help from the government and employer, my suggestion is not to giev birth at all.

If you really love a child, money is not in the equation.


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