Monday, March 8, 2010

A warning to all sweet young thing out there

This is a warning for all sweet young thing out there who think that they can get away by claiming to be young and innocent. You are not.

You have been taught never to take a toy away from your playmate when you are in kindergarten. You have been punished by the discipline master if you are caught stealing from your friends when you are in secondary school.

Therefore, under no circumstances should you even consider taking the husband away from a married woman. That is stealing, that is cheating and ultimately, if your man is a good man, he will not settle for less. He will not go with the theft.

A good wife will stand by her man.....

even if he prefers watching EPL to going to her mother's house for reunion dinner,

even if he spend more time washing his car then giving her a sponge bath

even if he lost his mind for a while and go for some sweat young thing.

Ultimately, a great wife would know how to win her husband back.

She will give him the freedom and space to fly knowing that he will fly home to her.

And when he asked for forgiveness, she will not rub it into this face and demand ridiculous amount of compensation.

A great wife would be able to handle the hurt her husband has inflicted on her and help her remorseful husband to rebuilt his family and his life.

Remember, she has vowed to take him for better or for worst.

Sadly not many women and be a great wife. Sadly not many women actually love their husband unconditionally.

To all the China song birds who are eyeing my husband, be warned.

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